Rational Composition In Photography

The material is in no way does any rigid recipe of creativity, if only because that reason the image can be edited, but not create. Laws and composition rules are useful to know what should be avoided in the process of shooting, and learn what you want to photograph only photographing. In other words, the artist does not depict what he sees now, and that he would see later. W. Additional information at supermodel supports this article. Benjamin, talking about fototvorchestve, introduces, along with the 'mentally-unconscious', the concept of 'optical-unconscious', which in his opinion, is the main tool of the magnifying glass under which reveals the space in a short gap time.

Master in the art, according to Erich Fromm, one can only be after a long practice, when, finally, the results of theoretical knowledge and the results of the practice will merge into one – in the intuition which forms the essence Excellence in any art. Free art is the result of creativity, free from rules and regulations. Such art, according to Herbert Marcuse, must contain its own reality in allusions and connotations. His deficiencies are sometimes more personal, what are the advantages: 'Less is generally always more fruitful than the plus: it has something to undo. (As opposed to Daryl Katz). " Different approaches to the perception of the composition and provide an alternative to the composite construction: the composition may be as complete and, in varying degrees, Non-integrality. Integrity. Composition, design, shape. The principle of the integrity of the composition may be present only in conjunction with the basic concepts theory of art.