Maybe is it easy for you to build structures, to think through workflow and take your team? The entrepreneur, the third field of activity is the dentist entrepreneur. To develop your practice with success and passion? Do recognize, Plan capacity, your team, like marketing needs financial planning and controlling? Each dentist personality combines so many fields of strengths in one or more roles in which can be identified, analysed, and then for your own, as well as for the development of the practice used. This holistic development of the Starken(Felder) but also means that the practice members (must) ask: what is needed to make this our strengths good market? The answer to this question often refers to a property, knowledge or knowledge which it does not have self or the team. The approach therefore restricts universal genius”make everything yourself or someone from the team it set, very much a functioning practice! What now? “Dentist entrepreneur workshops: Add is efficiently and effectively faster, more effective and more professional” of strengths by learning, sharing with colleagues or involvement of external experts. Each of these measures will cost Time, money, and patience; However, allows access to experiences and skills that complement the range of their own. To enable the Exchange with other dentists, we have established the dentist-entrepreneur workshops. Here, groups are formed, in which no direct competitors of the participants sit. Maximum learning success can be achieved through the completely open and honest Exchange!
Month: April 2015
Fight The Headache
The subconscious mind control learning power of his mind annoying headache just about push. Not only migraine patients probably yearn for this ability, which sounds more after a wishful thinking than to reality. Thanks to modern computer technology but is in fact from fiction to reality. As reported the private insurance portal, a new treatment for migraine headache is actually based on controlling the mind and the subconscious mind. The new process was tested in a study with 2000 participants, who for 16 years suffered for many years the average migraine. After thorough consultation, scientists joined the patients on sensors and cables to computer. Using sensory computing, the experts digitised the sensations of the subjects. So converting, for example, the response to stress in certain images and sounds.
While the patients followed the signals, they learned to control the reactions of your body on the basis of this information. So you allowed this approach to control, for example, the degree of narrowing the temporal artery responsible for the headaches. The pundits drew the conclusion that the intensity of the pain could not be alleviated. But duration and frequency. By treating the stabbing headaches by up to 40 percent occur less frequently. Also, the scientists found that increased control over their own bodies produced more positive effects. So the likelihood of panic attacks, anxiety, and depression decrease significantly if people felt helpless not used from the reactions of your body. More information:… Contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59
Event To The Cluster Headache In Hamburg
Prof. Dr. med. Arne May invites for the 08th may 2010 the cluster headache (cluster or group, accumulation\”) is a primary headache disorder characterized by strictly unilateral and occurring in attacks extreme pain in the area of temple and eye. The term \”Cluster\” refers to the nature of this form of headache periodically strongly to accumulate, while for months to years healthy intervals can join.
This rare headache disorder recognized unfortunately often very late. Often, years lie between the first occurrence and safe diagnosis. The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Prof. Dr. med. Arne May, invites for the 08th may 2010 from 9:30 to a briefing to the cluster headache: University Clinic Hamburg Eppendorf, Lecture Hall of orthopedics, building o45, 20251 Hamburg, Martini 52. Participation is free, registration is required.
Invitation, programme and registration form (PDF file): Einladung_UKE_Cluster Kopfschmerz_Treffen_2010.pdf Prof. Dr. med. Arne May is the Director of the headache clinic of the neurological clinic at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Deputy Director of the UKE Institute for systemic neuroscience and President of German migraine and Headache Society (DMKG). He lead the development of guidelines for the treatment of cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomous headaches of the Germans migraine and headache society, the German society for Neurology and the European Federation of neurological of societies. Other speakers of the event are the neurologists and headache experts Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stefan Evers, head of the work group headache/pain of the University Hospital Munster. Doz. Dr. med. Zaza Katsarava, head of the West German headache Center in Essen and Dr. med. Tim Jackson, UKE Hamburg. Cluster headache is easy to diagnose due to the characteristic temporal pattern of attacks: the attack rate is between an attack every second day and eight attacks per day. The attack time is 15 to 180 minutes if left untreated. In contrast to migraine sufferers, patients with cluster headache typically do not tend, to retire to bed, but show a strong physical disturbance during the attacks.
The European Union has to struggle with some. The European Union has to struggle with some. Wiggle the shaky candidates of the financial crisis despite aid packages, the euro goes roller coaster and then was also the thing with the Spanish cucumbers, wrongly accused, that should carry the deadly in some cases EHEC study with. That it was at the end but the sprouts, that nobody could guess. Reason enough for Russia but to give up altogether. It is even no matter what vegetables and how, EU Greens received a strict ban on imports in Russia. To the representative of the European Union reacted sensitively.
The Envoy Fernando Valenzuela even noted that a so disproportionate import ban bad ind to Russalnds position he could affect international community concrete; He joined Russia in the World Trade Organization would fail with such action. The Primier Wladimir Putin unimpressed but such comments and said the measure with: cucumber “to eat, one to kill, is really bad.” Last but not least, such almost provocative comments let evil tongues claim that it would be more to a saber-rattling toward the EU import ban, as to a public health measure. The years of discussion to the visa-free movement of Russians in the EU is on the other. The issue provoked polarized opinions, where some fear a growing stream of illegal residents. The Prime Minister wants to know but nothing: doesn’t mean the abolition of visa requirements, that Russians travel to the European Union and remain there forever, receive pensions, medical facilities and social welfare. It comes to short-term travel.” In Russia, the whole topic is here have long since become the substance, of the Russians to the laughing brings. One quips in a smug way: what is Russian roulette? -Fly to Germany, Turkish drink and eat Spanish tomatoes.” Many politicians find it but not to the laugh.