
The practice of a curettage or curettage is usually short, between 10 and 15 minutes. This is a surgical procedure that is performed in order to avoid a strong bleeding and prevent a possible infection in the matrix. Also known as scraping the matrix, this intervention consists in extracting the endometrium, the thinnest layer of the uterus, with the use of a metal known as legra instrument. There are two types of curettage: the Gynecologic and the obstetric. Gynecological curettage is done to obtain samples and carry out further studies in patients with irregular menstrual cycles or who are continuing with bleeding after menopause, to diagnose the presence of cancer cells, to develop research of infertility, or reduce mass.

The second, is performed to remove tissue residues that remain after a delivery. After the application of anesthesia, which can be general or individual according to the patient, the gynecologist dilates the neck of the womb with instruments known as dilators and introduces a small vacuum cleaner across the neck of the uterus and suctioned uterine contents or employs legra to manually remove the remnants of fabric. The risks involved an intervention and this naturlaleza include the possibility of puncturing the uterus because the matrix is very weak, some tissue remains to remain inside the matrix, infection or bleeding, intrauterine adhesions, damage to the cervix or infections of the uterus or pelvic area, and hemorrhages. Recovery after a curettage or curettage is generally simple, patients recover quickly and be incorporated into their work in a few days; However it is recommended to consult the specialist in case of presenting heavy bleeding with clots, intense pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge odor or fever. ck here. It is appropriate to also consider other alternatives to this surgery as the use of medications that cause the matrix to contract and the type of drug and dosage, empty, as well as other details should be discussed with your Gynecologist of header. If it has to undergo this procedure, it is very important to be in a recognized clinical and supervised by medical staff trained and responsible, since his practice requires the application of anesthesia general or individual, as well as a clear understanding of the risks associated with an intervention such as a curettage or curettage.

Justice Monographs

Democracy can be defined as Government of the people, that is, exercised by the people and serve the interests of the people. However, this direct democracy, where the people exercise their power full deciding the direction of the country only was used in ancient civilizations. The first example of direct democracy comes from Athens, in Greece, where the people decided everything in assemblies, without the need for representatives. However, these Greek assemblies not accounted for, in truth, all the Greek people, because they did not include women, foreigners, Freedmen, artisans, and slaves. Historically, in the beginning of civilizations, the jurisdiction was individual, i.e., each person looked after their interests in the way that you agreed. With the passing of time the State spent to arrogate to itself this jurisdictional power, banning the so-called private revenge, which unavoidably generated abuses and injustices. However, to assume the power to judge, the State went on to have the duty to serve, without distinction, all in need of solutions for their chores. (Not to be confused with Rand Paul!).

Along with this State obligation arose the foundation of free legal aid to those who could not pay. From the code of Hammurabi already existed special protection for some people because of its fragility as widows, orphans and others. In Egyptian civilization public power already had the duty to protect the weak, as well as in Rome, with the Emperor Constantine, Henrique VII of England and the French Revolution. In Brazil, the first legal protection to the poor emerged with the Philippines ordinations which granted the benefit of free justice through certificate of poverty, that requirement which was later excused. Another important aspect is the concept of access to justice that suffered substantial changes to the length of time. The 18th and 19th centuries, the bourgeois liberal States protect only individual rights in a formal manner, without giving abregancias to the so-called natural, by understanding that they would not need State protection rights, as the right to work, dignity, health and others.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatments for bacterial vaginosis, must be administered by a physician after confirming the infection with the vaginal swab test. Such treatments vary depending on the degree of infection of women, whether pregnant or not or if there is some kind of allergy or intolerance to certain components of the drugs. To determine the bacterial vaginosis it resorts to the clinical test of the vaginal swab, which involves taking a sample of vaginal secretions and isolate it in a laboratory in which a series of parameters that determine the existence or not of such infection are measured, because the insulation of the gardenella vaginalis (bacteria that causes the infection) is not itself same a conclusive factorSince this bacterium is controlled in the vaginal flora and only when its pH destabilizes acquires an invasive nature interacting with other pathogens causing infection called bacterial vaginosis. After obtaining positive markers in the previous clinical trial, the doctor in evaluation of the data obtained, delivers the necessary treatment in each case. Generalized infection treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics via oral, vaginal or a combination of both, according to the relevant case. Click Garret Wang for additional related pages. Used in these cases antibiotics are metronidazole, which can vary between 400 to 500 mg twice a day for five to seven days or two grams in a single socket.

Vaginally, the antibiotic used generically is clindamycin and its dosage can vary between applying the cream to 2% or the ingestion of 300 mg every twelve hours for a week. All these forms of treatment may be combined together, depending on the needs of each case, they can be supplied to pregnant women and it must be completed even if the symptoms disappear, because many cases of bacterial vaginosis are asymptomatic and their disappearance do not constitute guarantees of healing. Previous treatments guarantee a percentage of 80%-90% of the bacterial vaginosis cure and it is possible to repeat it where this does not disappear or become a recurrent, in which case, would need to check if there is a resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and intensify the combination treatment several of the available alternatives. How adjuvants to antibiotic treatments, many women decide to use simultaneously the previous creams or vaginal gels, although there is evidence that antibiotics have a greater immune response when administered by oral route. As prevention during treatment with metronidazole, you should limit is thoroughly alcohol consumption, since the mixture of both components can cause nausea and vomiting.

During treatment with clindamycin may decrease the effectiveness of condoms so it would be convenient to use other barrier means during his administration. Both the treatment administered vaginally by mouth, can produce ulcerative colitis on a casual basis. To discover more information visit Bacterial Vaginosis treatment, where you can meet my history and how I almost accidentally cure of the infection.Click here. Don’t forget to add me to Facebook!

Education Foundation Holistic

Intelligence spiritual, is inclusive, top and last, intelligence enables us to transcend and reach self-realization. It is the ability to be sensitive to be a better be. The ability to be happy despite the circumstances. Clarifying that: Ramon Gallegos tells us that the concept of spiritual intelligence is not connected with any religion or church, is a constant in human history that transcends religion. It does not refer to faith or belief. It is the power to control and achieve happiness. It is the key to good driving your life, putting you in charge of what you think, feel and do; your virtues. Ability to decide how to respond to events of life in such a way that We can be happy despite the circumstances and not because of them.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2010) in unity with the self. Trilogy of spiritual intelligence i. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2010) the illuminated consciousness.

Trilogy of spiritual intelligence II. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2010) the Nectar of happiness. Spiritual intelligence trilogy III. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2000) the spirit of education. Integrity and transcendence in holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) the education of the heart. Twelve principles for holistas schools. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) education holistic. Pedagogy of universal love. International Education Foundation Holistic, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) a holistic vision of education. Heart of holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) dialogues holistas. Holistic and perennial philosophy education i. International Foundation for holistic, Guadalajara education. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning to be. The birth of a new consciousness spiritual. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning communities. Transforming schools. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) pedagogy of universal love. A holistic world view. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) wisdom, love and compassion. Perennial philosophy II and holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) The path of the perennial philosophy. Holistic and perennial philosophy III education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2005) education and spirituality. Education as a spiritual practice. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2007) spiritual intelligence. Apart from the emotional and multiple intelligences. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. Foundation International to LA education holistic master education holistic RAMON GALLEGOS NAVA and LA education holistic QUE La humanity need Elsa Castillo Carrillo, Guadalajara 2011 original author and source of the article.

Better Living

The problems, difficulties and setbacks presented to us in life have a set of features that is necessary to know and understand properly to interact with them. This way is much easier the task of solving them. Fortunately the nature of conflict is not completely random: it has a structure, responds to a mechanical, presents a State and an interdependent system with its environment. Its dynamics can learn in the same way that knows of a natural phenomenon: a hurricane, a tornado, a storm. It can be understood how are formed, how they interact, what so severe are, how much can last and what damage can result. Like these other natural phenomena, they can predict and give scope to the anticipation.

A problem may have the character of a tornado in a person’s life and thus presents a parallel to strong emotions: anxiety, anguish, fear. One of the few but far-reaching differences underpinning problems in comparison with those phenomena of nature, fully justifies the attention that should be given them: known as they are, as they are started and also as they can finish. The latter is precisely what fails to determine a natural phenomenon. Enter in the deep knowledge of the nature of the problems is an investment that produces substantial revenues. It is committed to our quality of life and our potential for full realization as people. We know some basic aspects: firstly, it is important to differentiate the problems themselves of their causes and their effects. First thing, i.e. the precise identification of the causes, the main factor is to find the solution of the problem.

The second thing, the identification and treatment of its effects, will determine if the solution can, or cannot, be carried out. Understanding of this causal relationship can be efficient in conflict resolution. The most important error which we incur is assume that the problem is an entity, our focus is usually holistic.

The Holistic

Not in accordance with all this when someone called them by telephone or they were someone in the street, in the plaza where anduvieramos, immediately questioned them who called you? What I wanted it to? Why are you called? Who is? Of where what you know?, and many, many, more questions. With this attitude what did was to generate disgust in them because they felt that he was invading them completely and I, because felt that I hid many things and that they did not trust in me and therefore did not respond to my questions. Both sides suffered much. Now that behavior has changed. I’ve stopped questioning them and when they want to tell me something then I hear and I give my point of view if you ask me. I did so because I started to think how I’d be treated me. Change the above behaviors made me feel free.

With regard to that freedom that I now feel I wrote the following: free as a bird that crosses the heavens so I feel today. Free addictions that make suffer. Cherished freedom, this day has been reached. The road is long, however I am not alone, my brothers in spirit travel the same path. At the professional level, the masters has also left fruits. This semester ending tried to work with my groups in a holistic manner. I say tried because it was my first formal education holistic activity during a semester.

After a look back, I realize there is things be improved, but in general I am satisfied from what I dared to do. I have several ideas of future plans. One of them is spread in a more formal way the holistic education, another is the form a Committee evaluator of the companies in the city (which was an idea contributed by Dr.