Engineers Health Program

Therefore, an excellent marketing system is essential to be done to the research of market and the spreading of services and image of the company. The first initiatives had appeared in middle of years 80, with the arrival to the market of deriving professionals of centers of academic formation (COPPE/UFRJ, UNICAMP, USP, amongst others) that they had established the first companies come back toward this area, or that they had been contracted by hospitals of modern vision. Charles Margulis has much experience in this field. Until then, this market was total dominated for representation companies technique who only gave maintenance services that nor always its customers with the waited standard of quality took care of. Today, we evidence that this situation remains the same one. The problem to surpass the great barrier of if having a service specific is in low the conscience of the contributions economic-financiers who a management of appropriate technology can bring to the hospital environment. Complex CONCLUSION The more the system, greater is the necessity of multidisciplinaridade of the professionals and, in our area of health. The professionals are acting in the hospitals have many years and of certain form it is an error to think that she was only recently. What it occurs is that the normative, legal pressures and until related accidents the medical equipment and installations made with that these professionals had more visibility.

We can cite the Clinical Engineer, with this name, is a recent phenomenon, presented officially in Brazil in 1989 in Campinas (during IV Brazilian Congress of Engenharia and ManutenoHospitalar). Of there for today, its function has been each known time more and used for the hospitals and, to each day it increases the necessity and the search for these professionals. Engineering (clinical, hospital, of security, etc.) already is basic tool for the SUSTENTABILIDADDE OF the SECTOR HEALTH. Fabiano REFERENCES Philip. – Clinical Engineering, Hospital Engineering and the Scarcity of Engineers Program Health of the Family – Wikipdia, the free encyclopedia Ana Carolina S. Queiroz; Antonio Barbosa- Saucers Rationality and incorporation of technology in health: the experience of a hospital of high complexity in S. Pablo – FGV-EAESP Minayo, M.C.S. Social research – Theory, method and creativity.

Petrpolis: Voices, 2001. Brando Jnior, P.S. Subjective dimensions of the biossegurana in the units of health. Bol. Pneumol. Sanit., dic. 2001. BRAZIL. Ministry of Health-Line of direction and Normas Regulamentadoras de Pesquisas- Brasilia 1996

Intensive Therapy Team

He must have a team to multidiscipline that he promotes dynamic and systemize attention, material and sophisticated equipment, beyond knowledge technician – scientific. Recognition and valuation are necessary to point out for the professional valuation as basic point for the desencadeamento of any process of work that if intends to humanizar, remembering that the independent people desire to work in organizations that give return to them for dedicao4. Consideraes general the disease lived deeply for a person does not affect only its physical condition, therefore when the patient is admitted in the Unit of Intensive Therapy, it loses bond with its familiar ones, the society where it lives and it starts to coexist strange people daily, this finishes generating in the patient a great one estresse emotional. Therefore professional of nursing together with its team must deal with the patient holistic way, that is, to also understand the patient through its gestures and expressions, thus creating an approach with this patient and its family, these actions generates a positive reply to the treatment. The professional must offer to a humanizado attendance many times the concern with the administrative aspects of the care consumes good part of the time of the nursing professional, this finishes making it difficult this assistance, however she is possible during the execution of its techniques to offer an attendance sensetized and humanizado without leaving of side its ethical position, remembering that each patient must have its individuality and privacy respeitados3. The professionals prioritize the technological attendance the technological attendance influence in the quality of the assistance for the fact to offer precision, rapidity and security in the diagnosis of the illness, thus increasing the supervened one of the patient, this the times finishes distanciando the health team them familiar patients and, the technology must be used as mediating, favoring and improving the care to the patient in the UTI, the professionals of nursing they do not have to be worried only about the pathological problems of the patient, but also they must be worried about the psicossociais, ambient and familiar questions of this patient.


The embolism is produced a time that one has broken or one pieces trombo bigger if trombo separates of one mural, being able to happen in places as the heart or a proximal artery and if it lodges distalmente in a point where the diameter of the vase has the diminished size, of this I form trombo circulating more will not obtain to cross arterial light (GOLDMAN; AUSIELLO, 2005). A time that has interruption of the sanguineous flow in a portion of the brain or the reduction of the same, the survival of this fabric at risk will depend on some factors modificadores as the collateral availability of circulation, the time of the isquemia and the rapidity of the reduction of the flow. Factors these that go to determine the localization of the injury, its size and consequently, clinical deficiency (KUMAR; ABBAS; FAUSTO, 2005). One knows that two main types of decurrent acute ischemic injury of the reduction of the sanguineous flow in the fabric exist cerebral: Global cerebral Isquemia (hipxica ischemic encefalopatia/) that it occurs when has a generalized reduction of the cerebral perfuso, as in the cardiac arrest, has shocked and severe hipotenso. Focal cerebral Isquemia that if follows to the reduction or the interruption of the sanguineous flow for a located area of the brain because of the illness of the great vase (as well as the trombtica or emblica arterial occlusion, frequent in the scene of aterosclerose) or to the illness of the small vases (as well as the vasculite or the secondary occlusion to the arteriosclerticas injuries sights in the hipertenso) (KUMAR; ABBAS; FAUSTO, 2005, P. 1426). The cause enters most common and patognese of the ischemic BIRD is aterosclerose, embolism of cardiac origin that can be trombos walls, cardiopathy to valvar, arrhythmias and paradoxical embolism. Goldman and Cuisiello (2005) they agree that, it can be standed out that the riot most common to lead to a BIRD is the formation of ateromas what consequentemente of the beginning to one aterosclerose.

Health Treatment

It is an inexhaustible medicine source new even for new illnesses. At the beginning of years 80, it appears the first cases of HIV/AIDS in the world and in Brazil, the official or farnacopico treatment until today existing in the market is retrovirais. Its you formulate are proven identified for the generic name. In the last times with the high cost of the medication of HIV/AIDS that leave around R$ 6000,00 for patient. In Brazil the SUS supplies, but in other regions as of Africa Subsaariana not. The paper of the medicinal plants in the society is very not known, but it knows that gift becomes, as it is what here it is looked to develop.

The existing causes for mortal illnesses as the AIDS are the advent of the HIV /AIDS for being incurable made the people to search aid in other sources of treatment, but the discredit in the Medicine for the interminable lines in the SUS (Only System of Health), the disinterest of the doctors for the patients since it more than deals with the illness what of the sick person. The HIV/AIDS is a world-wide pandemic with 40 million in the whole world. Unhappyly until nowadays it is incurable, being able with the development of the opportunist illnesses. Nowadays although all the advance of the Medicine Occidental person because of illnesses as HIV/AIDS, to be an incurable illness many looks other forms of alternative treatment as Floral of Bach and the homeopatia. But until today science it does not recognize them with being able efficient in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, on the other hand the fitoterapia and Acumputura yes in some patologias not in the HIV/AIDS. In this work if it withheld, but in the Fitoterapia for the importance between patients, therefore for the patients look who it they are motivated by the treatment is of low cost to take care of the populations more devoid as they are the proposals of the SUS (Only System of Health) to extend its use to all but these ideas had unhappyly not left the paper and would be interesting and important if some of them could be used in treatment HIV/AIDS.