Inquire about the question who am I?, it is a good principle for self-knowledge. Life is full of challenges, distractors, pressures, but there is always the possibility of return to self, take a breather amid the chaos and to realize that wherever we go we are safe, peaceful and happy; that there is no place better than our self and that there is no more time than the now. Happiness only exists in the present, mora within us, there is, why self-knowledge is so important. Happiness is an expression of the joy that comes from the knowledge of himself. Dr. Ramon Gallegos (2006) explains that spiritual intelligence, for the first time we have a holarquico order, a model of three levels of intelligence, where some are better than others: the first level of intelligence is the most basic and we share with animals, is the subhumano level of emotional intelligence, is based on our instincts, impulses and sensations and operates with the eye of the flesh, is a primitive, pre-rational, intelligence but necessary and very important for survival. The second level of intelligence has a medium importance but already is unique to humans, is the intellectual intelligence, is based on our reasoning ability, in cognitive, in our logical thinking, in the ability to symbolize, and operates with the mind’s eye; It is a cultural, social, language-based intelligence and helps us to monitor and measure the world.
The multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner are combinations of elements of these two levels, are the emotional and the rational combinations in different grades and the use of the eyes carnal and mental. They follow the plane’s low-level capabilities. The third level of intelligence is the most important, is the top level, and corresponds to the spiritual intelligence, is also only human and is based on wisdom, our ability to vision holistic of the profound reality of understanding of contexts and meaningful totalities.