This procedure removes the tension, calms the mind, improves memory and restores the central nervous system. Therapy rejuvenation and longevity Rejuvination – a "second chance" that nature gives us to preserve youth and beauty. Ayurvedic therapy PindSweda – massage Tibetan flowers, herbs, spices tampons Mind and Emotional Therapy Pinda Sweda is a holistic modeling of face and body massage at the Tibetan flowers, herbs and spices tampons Mind and Emotional. Exudation herbs – is a literal translated from the Sanskrit name of this wonderful Ayurvedic therapy. Discoveries made by hundreds of years ago, Tibetan monks in search of youth and renewal of life, studies of different combinations of flowers, herbs and spices underlie complex herbal and floral Mind and Emotional. Penetrating through the small cells of tissue swabs, crushed herbs and spices hold delicate herbal peeling skin and body, gently releasing the surface of the epidermis from dead cells, purifying and toning the pores.
Soft aromapiling made with warm swabs Mind and Emotional, helps eliminate toxins from the body, restoring the normal circulation of lymph fluid and reduce the pressure in the intercellular spaces. Increased metabolism in the body activates the "burning" of fat present in excess. As a result of the procedure increases musculocutaneous tone, improves the color and general condition of the skin, there is an active drainage, lifting, and modeling contours of the face and body. Pinda Sweda therapy is used effectively, demonstrating excellent results with the first procedure, in such programs for individuals, as rejuvenation, rosacea treatment, drainage, "the bags under his eyes." The programs for the body therapy is especially effective for aromapilinga, modeling, body contouring, cellulite and obesity.